Richmond Leg Breakers Cricket Club

Richmond Leg Breakers Cricket Club - Club Rules

                                                  RICHMOND LEG BREAKERS CRICKET CLUB

                                                                         RULES – Version 6

                                                                        (12th February 2013)

1.            Name, Objects and Colours

The Club shall be called the Richmond Leg Breakers Cricket Club and is constituted for the purpose of taking part in and encouraging the sport of cricket. The colours of the Club shall be black, blue and gold in stripes, the gold stripe lying between the blue and the black and being of half their width.

2.            Adherence to the Laws of Cricket and the ECB

The Club shall observe the Laws of Cricket as maintained by the M.C.C.

Observance of the rules of the England and Wales Cricket Board shall include the guidance notes and codes of practice issued by the ECB on safety, child protection, and equal opportunity, including the rights to equal access to a facility or programme or equipment regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, occupation, religion, sexual orientation, or political persuasion.

3.            Classes of Members

The Club shall consist of the following classes of members:





4.            Honorary Members

The Committee shall have power to elect as Honorary members, for life or for a period, any persons whom they consider to have rendered or to be rendering particularly meritorious service to the Club. Honorary members shall not be required to pay any entrance fee or annual subscriptions and shall enjoy all the privileges of Full members.

5.            Full Members

The Committee shall have power to elect any candidate as a Full member on payment of the required entry fee and subscription. Full members shall be entitled to use any or all of the Club's facilities and equipment and shall have the right to vote at Club General Meetings.

6.            Social Members

The Committee shall have power to elect any candidate as a Social member on payment of the required entry fee and subscription. Social members shall not be entitled to use the equipment of the Club and may not vote at Club General Meetings.

7.            Application for Membership

Every candidate for election to membership shall furnish such information about themselves on an application form as the Committee may require.

8.            Election of Members

The names of every candidate for election to membership shall be exhibited on the Club Web site notice board for at least six days before the Committee meeting at which the candidature is to be considered. Election shall be at the absolute discretion of the Committee. A candidate for election to any class of membership whose entrance fee and subscription have been received may use the facilities of the Club at the Captain's discretion.

9.            Entrance Fees and Subscriptions

a) Entrance fees and annual subscriptions shall be determined from time to time by a General Meeting of the Club, and are shown in the schedule appended to these Rules.

b) The entrance fee and first year's subscription of every candidate for election to membership, other than Affiliated membership, shall be deposited with the Honorary Secretary before the proposal is submitted to the Committee and shall be refunded if the candidate is not elected.

c) Every member elected between 1st January and 30th June shall pay the subscription appropriate to his class of membership for the current year.

d) Every member elected between  1st July and 31st August in any year shall pay a subscription for that Club year of one half the annual subscription appropriate to his class of membership.

e) Every member elected between 1st September and  31st December in any one year shall pay the subscription appropriate to his class of membership for the current Club year and shall be exempt from payment of any further subscription until January 1st in the succeeding year.

f) The annual subscription of all members is payable on March 1st each year.

g) No member shall be entitled to wear the colours of the Club or to use the Club property or to represent the Club in any match until he has paid his subscription and other liabilities, unless invited to do so by the Captain.

10.          Failure to pay dues

Any member whose current liabilities are in arrears on 1st October in any year shall be debarred from the privileges of the Club until such payment is made. Any member whose subscription or other liabilities up to the preceding 1st October remain unpaid at 31st December shall be declared a defaulter at the Committee meeting next following and his name shall be posted as such on the Club notice board. Every member declared a defaulter shall cease to be a member of the Club unless a written guarantee approved by the Committee be given that the amount due to the Club will be paid within one month and unless the amount so guaranteed shall be so paid.

11.          Powers of the Honorary Secretary

All subscriptions and other monies due from members and other persons shall be personal debts to the Honorary Secretary, for the time being, who shall hold the same in trust for the Honorary Treasurer; and the Committee shall have power to allow the Honorary Secretary from the Club funds all legal and other expenses he may incur in recovering such debts.

12.          Change of Class of Membership

Every member wishing to be transferred from one class of membership to another shall give due notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary. No member shall be so transferred without the approval of the Committee.

13.          Resignation

Any member wishing to resign his membership shall give notice in writing before September 1st to the Honorary Secretary, who shall submit such notice to the Committee. The resignation shall not be valid until it has been accepted by the Committee.

14.          Submission of Members to the Rules

All members shall submit to the Rules and By-Laws of the Club for the time being in force and shall accept as final the Committee's interpretation thereof and the Committee's decisions.

15.          Expulsion of Members or their Suspension

a) The Committee may, for any reason which to them seems sufficient, by notice in writing addressed to the member in question, request any member to resign his membership, or to suspend any member from his membership for such period as they may direct.

b) If a member so required to resign fails to comply with the request within fourteen days, a General Meeting of the Club may be convened, of which fourteen days notice shall be given, stating that the object of the Meeting is to consider the request of the Committee for the resignation of such member, and it shall be lawful for the General Meeting so convened to resolve, by a majority of votes in the ratio of two to one, to expel the member from the Club. Any member so expelled shall not be eligible for re-election and shall forfeit all right to, or claim upon, the Club, its property or funds. At any Meeting held under this Rule fifteen shall be a quorum.

c) The Committee shall forthwith after resolving to suspend a member under the provisions of this Rule cause a notice of the suspension to be given or sent by post to such member and to be posted on the Club notice board and shall notify the member concerned that the Committee will, if requested by him in writing not less than ten days after the date of the notice, bring forward the matter of suspension at the next General or Special General Meeting of the Club, which may either continue such suspension for such period as the Meeting shall specify or, alternatively, may determine such suspension if the same shall then be in force. A member shall not be entitled to any refund or rebate of his subscription during the period of his suspension.

16.          Exclusion of Expelled or Suspended Members and/or Defaulters

No member shall introduce into the Club premises any person who is a defaulter or who has been expelled from the Club or (during the period of this suspension) any member who has been suspended from his membership.

17.          General Meetings

A General Meeting of the Club shall be held whenever the Committee directs and shall be competent to deal with all matters of which notice has been given.

18.          Annual General Meeting

An Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held during the first quarter of every year on a date fixed by the Committee. This Meeting shall confirm the minutes of the previous general meeting, consider the accounts for the past year ended December 31st, receive reports from each of the Club officers other than the Deputy Captain, select Officers for the ensuing year namely the President (every 5 years), Captain, Deputy Captains, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Fixtures Secretary, Net Secretary, Social Secretary, and Kit Secretary, elect two committee members and shall be competent to deal with all other matters brought before it, of which notice has been given previously to the Honorary Secretary . The meeting should be chaired by the Captain of the Club and all resolutions should be passed by a majority of those present excepting rule changes where a two thirds majority will be required. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman of the meeting should have the casting vote. Social members may not vote.

19.          Special General Meetings

On receipt of a requisition signed by not less than seven members of the Club and specifying the business which such members wish to bring before the Club, the Honorary Secretary shall within six days issue a notice convening a Special General Meeting to be held on a date not less than six and not more than twelve days after the issue of the notice. A Special General Meeting so convened shall be competent to deal with all matters specified in the requisition.

20.          Quorum at General Meetings

At any duly convened General Meeting four shall form a quorum of which three shall be committee members and officers of the Club.

21.          Notice of Meetings

The Honorary Secretary shall send a notice of the date and general purpose of each General Meeting, not later than one month before the date of the Meeting, to every Honorary, Life, Full, Student and Family member and at the discretion of the Committee to any other members and shall cause a copy to be displayed on the Club notice board. The notice shall invite members to submit items for the agenda and nominations for any vacancies due to be filled by election at the Meeting under Rules 24 and 25. He shall cause a copy of the agenda to be displayed on the Club notice board six days before the Meeting.

22.          Officers

The Officers of the Club shall consist of the following:- A President, an Captain, not more than three Deputy Captains, an Honorary Treasurer, an Honorary Secretary, a Fixtures Secretary, Net Secretary, and Social Secretary . The officers of the club shall hold office until the Annual General Meeting of the year following their election with the exception og the President who shall hold office for a 5 year period.

All these officers shall be eligible for election or re-appointment as the case may be.

23.          The Committee

The Committee of the Club shall consist of the President, Captain, Hon. Treasurer, Hon Secretary, Fixtures Secretary, Net secretary, Social Secretary and two members elected at the Annual General Meeting. The main Committee should meet twice a year at the beginning and end of each summer season. At any duly convened meeting three shall form a quorum. The committee may delegate its powers to approve new members to a sub committee of no fewer than three officers of the Club. Any resolutions put before the committee should be approved by a majority of the committee. The President does not have a vote.

24.          Proposal of Officers and Committee

No members other than Life members, Full members, Student members and Social members shall be elected as Officers or as members of the Committee other than by special resolution of the AGM. Nomination of a member for election as such shall be made by two other members, who shall give notice of nomination and of the consent thereto of the member concerned in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least seven days before the date fixed for the General Meeting at which the election is to take place. The notice shall specify the name of the member proposed and the names of the members nominating him.

25.          Nomination of Committee

If the number of vacancies to be filled at a General Meeting exceeds the number of candidates nominated as above, or if in the opinion of the Committee any member is specially qualified to fill any particular office, the Committee may at any duly convened Committee meeting, held before the General Meeting at which officers are to be elected, nominate by a majority of four-fifths of those present, a member for election at such subsequent General Meeting.

26.          Casual Vacancies

Casual vacancies among members of the Committee (other than the Captain) shall be filled by the Committee, each member so appointed holding office until the next General Meeting, when an election shall be held to fill the position for the remainder of the unexpired term of the original holder.

27.          Management of the Club

The Committee of the Club shall be responsible for the general policy and management of the Club. The Honorary Secretaries and the Honorary Treasurer may be assisted in their respective offices by Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers, whom they shall select and who shall be approved by the Committee.

28.          Control of Cricket

The Captain, or in his absence a Deputy Captain, shall have entire control over the composition and management of any team which represents the Club and, subject to any resolution of the Committee, over all matters affecting the cricket of the Club. In the absence of the Captain and the Deputy Captains any member of the Committee authorised by the Captain may act in his place except with regard to the composition of teams for club matches.

29.          Alterations to Rules

Alterations to the Rules and By-Laws shall be made only by the authority of a General Meeting of the Club and the proposed alteration shall be specified in the notice convening the Meeting; but the Committee shall have power to make By-Laws and Regulations having the force of Rules and to alter or suspend any Rule, such alteration or suspension to remain in force until the next General Meeting.

30.          Use of the Name of the Club

Except for the necessary business of the Club, or for the purpose of entry on the authority of the Captain at any athletic competition, no member shall cause his name to be published as a member of the Club without the previous authorisation of the Committee.

31.          Winding up of the Club

Should the membership of the club ever reduce to such a level that it ceases to be able to field a team, The club may be wound up at a special General meeting of the Club provided that more that 75% of all those members eligible to vote agree. If any member is unable to attend such a meeting he may appoint another member to act as his Proxy. In the event that the club is wound up the assets, debts and liabilities of the Club shall be divided or shared equally between those paid up members of the club who are eligible to vote.




I – Members representing Club teams, taking part in Club matches, or representing the Club, shall wear clothing bearing the Club colours in black, Blue and Gold and approved by the Committee.



II – Any damage that occurs to any Club equipment shall be reported to the Captain or his representative forthwith by the person then using the equipment. The Committee shall have power to charge any member whose default or negligence contributed to the damage with the whole or part of the expense of repairing or renewing the equipment

III – The Captain or his nominees shall act as umpire in all Club matches

IV – All match fees shall be due at the commencement of the game.

V – Expenses incurred by the Club in fielding teams selected by the Captain shall be apportioned between the Club and the members concerned on a basis determined by the Committee each year and published at the Annual General Meeting.

VI – Any member who damages any property of the Club or any property held in trust by the Club shall immediately have the same repaired or replaced at his own expense.

VII – Any member introducing a visitor into the Club shall be responsible for his expenses and for any negligent damage caused by him to the property of the Club.

VIII – Any complaint respecting the administration of the Club or the conduct of any member, shall be made in writing to the Hon. Secretary, and not to the person concerned.


Version 6 - Amended following AGM dated  12th February 2013